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Here you will find bios and picture galleries of the breeding pairs of chickens we have in our coop. These chickens are NOT for sale however they'll give you an idea of what you could expect chicks from the bonded pairs to look like.
Meet King Flo, our black bantam cochin rooster. King Flo is the poofiest little chicken you're bound to see but also one of the sweetest, most docile birds we have.
King Flo
Meet Amelia, our black bantam cochin hen. Amelia is gentle and sweet. She's also bonded to King Flo and together they make the most beautiful little bantam cochin chicks.
Meet Benedict, our Silver Sebright rooster. Benedict is a really handsome and friendly roo who's excited to see his flock grow.
Meet Omelet, our Silver Sebright hen. Omelet is very gentle and playful and is bonded to Benedict.
Meet Donnie, our Silkie rooster. Donnie has an amazing and fierce look to him but he's a really sweet roo.
Meet Elizabeth, our Showgirl Silkie hen. Elizabeth is very refined and stylish and has an air about her that sets her apart! She is bonded to Donnie.
Meet Nancy, our Silkie hen. Nancy is a reserved, quiet hen who could just as easily be a pillow on a couch as she is a hen - she would contentedly sit there quietly!
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